I have a background in yoga asana and western mystery schools. I’ve studied symbolism extensively and symbols play out in my life.
For the last year and half, I’ve experienced an interesting theme of severing, cutting away and removing. This is interesting in the context of yoga since the word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word meaning, “to yoke” or “to unite”. I have a strong interest in unified science as presented by the Resonance Academy, wholistic world views and wholistic wellness and yet this theme of severing has come up.
More recently, the word “coherence” has shown up in my world. Coherence means to have meaning, to be understandable. It is the quality of being logical or consistent, of forming a unified whole. The parts fit together to create a unified and complete system. If a communication is coherent, it makes sense. It is not gibberish. Although, the word “gibberish” is actually derived from the name of an Arab who wrote messages in code.
In order for there to be coherence, one cannot have everything all at once. The process of selecting, organizing and removing plays a role in coherence. Although everything is inter-connected and aware, it is not all in the same place at once.
Once of the initial lessons on the magical path is that of discernment. I’ve had visionary experiences and I realized that I am learning non-linguistic communication and feeling what is. I have this experience that the physical, visual world that I live in is like a skin. The energy is underneath the skin and above it.
The skin is linguistic. You can communicate effectively on the skin through the use of symbols and colours but it’s just the surface. The energy is within. As a human, I exist in my skin and I also exist outside of it. I realize that frequency is a way to communicate through dimensions. Waves are a way to penetrate beyond the surface.
In order to focus, interference must be removed. The dagger or sword is a magical symbol. It symbolizes selecting and removing. If there is interference, the blade is used to banish it.
I had a vivid dream in which there were two identical me facing one another. We were looking one another in the eye. I looked down and I realized that I was holding a scimitar at the waist of my twin. She looked me in the eye and nodded. She took my hands and started the motion; I cut her off. Then, I felt like I was falling and then I woke up.
As I started to play more in the energetically awakened state, I encountered interference. This interference teaches discernment. The term that feels appropriate for this interference is “tangential phenomena” ; shit happens but it’s not actually what you’re focusing on. The first extra-physical layer that we encounter is the lower astral. It feels watery and reflective. It has to do with mirroring. Sometimes, I material that on one level feels like a mirror of me and on another level, it is inverted.
Sometimes, I encounter a symbol or someone and it feels aligned and then there’s something about it that feels really wrong. How much of that is my shadow? How much of that is authentic interpretation?
I think that this watery reflective thing is the astral and it teaches to feel through illusions; to use other senses then those which are being deceived. Tangential phenomena happen where there is energy. There is a lot in addition to the physical.
In order to focus, you have to cut away. Don’t focus on the distraction, the illusion; focus on where you are going.
This is an important lesson in ceremonial practise. Illusions are known to occur.